Supplier voting
Notes for voters
Voting is open to any supplier that sells via third-party agents. Each supplier brand is limited to one set of votes – any extra sets of votes will be discounted.
In order to cast your votes, you will need to register your details to ensure only verified suppliers’ votes are counted. Please vote in any/all relevant categories – if you are a regional BDM then please ensure you liaise with your colleagues to ensure votes are cast in all relevant regional categories. Please leave any fields where you do not wish to cast a vote blank.
To thank suppliers for voting in the AAAs, we will publish a Roll of Honour on the AAAs website and acknowledge weekly those brands which have engaged in the process and supported their key trade partners.
In casting your votes, please consider agencies which in the past 12 months have represented the best of the travel trade and demonstrated:
• Outstanding engagement and performance
• Excellent communication with partners and customers
• Commitment to staff, clients and communities
The deadline for nominations is
April 30